Friday, September 7, 2012

Earth Shattering

7.6- Doesn't seem like a big number till it is the number representing the quake we felt this past Wednesday.  Here is our story...
The Hubs and I both had the day off so we enjoyed sleeping a little later and had just finished our gallo pinto for breakfast.  The Hubs and I were helping our host mom fold our clothes, when the house started shaking.  The four of us (host bro #1 + us) looked at each other then host bro #1 yelled "corre!"

Everything on the floor and the bed one foot closer to the door

We booked it out of the house and into the street where I saw tiles falling off of houses, our family's jeep bouncing up down, people screaming "Dios mios!" and running everywhere.  When the shaking finally stopped host bro #1 took off the 300 meters to check on his kids at the school with his dog K right on his heels.  Host bro #2, hands me host niece #5 and runs to go get host niece #4.  I didn't realize how the quake effected me till I was holding host niece #5 and my legs were shaking.

                               These pictures have something in common...can you find it?

The days following the earthquake were spent outside, nervous, camping out, rain, rocking, with bug bites, and talking.

Oh, and being watched over by La Lisa.

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