Important People

the Hubs: my best friend, fellow journeyman, confidant, and man of my dreams
Parental Units: my mom and dad
the In Laws: the Hub's mom and dad
Little Brother: the brother two years younger than me
Baby Brother: the youngest of my family
Little Sister: the middle child in the Hub's family
Baby Sister: the youngest of the Hub's family
Host Parentals: Our host parents in Santa Cruz
Host Nieces/Sobrinas # 1,2,3,4,5: We have five host nieces that we have spent time with
Host Nephew/Sobrino #1: We have one host nephew we have spent time with
Host Brothers #1,2,3: We have three host brothers that we have spent time with
Host sisters-in-laws # 1,2,3: We have three host sisters in law that we have spent time with
Counterpart: my Costa Rican coworker
Mr. Cars: the now 5 year old from Hometown that made me put a car seat in my car while I lived in

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