Thursday, January 30, 2014

Caring for your Volunteer

This post comes from almost two years of experience of living and serving abroad.  This post comes after talking to other Volunteers about what we wish those we left at home knew.

  We miss you.  Some days we don't want to get out of bed and face what the day might hold without our friends and family.  But sometimes we surprise ourselves and realize while we still miss everyone back "home" we also call here "home".  We learn we have two homes.

We try not to show you our dark days, our failed projects, or our frustrations.  But sometimes those slip out.  We need to be able to talk about those at times, but we have great days too!  Ask us about what went well that week, month, or day (however often you talk to us).  Ask us about what is our favorite thing, funniest thing, greatest achievement!  That helps us in many ways as well as connects you to Peace Corps and our host country.

Initiate the conversation.  Send the first text, facebook chat us first, or send a card/care package for no reason.  We love to be reminded that we are remembered even though daily life gets in the way here and there. We LOVE having something in our mailboxes!  There is something special about snail mail.

We try to do the same.  But sometimes mailing a card is expensive, our internet is finicky, or we have no money on our phones for a text.  But we try to bring you into our world.  We are missing so much by being here.  Graduations, babies, marriages, deaths, and knowing your daily life.  We want to be a part of that.

We carry you with us where ever we live.  We talk to other volunteers about you like they know you.  Our neighbors have seen your pictures.  Our students have sung you happy birthday.

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